2014 Intersessional Meeting to the Convention on Cluster Munitions

7-9 April 2014, Geneva, Switzerland

The Intersessional Meeting to the Convention on Cluster Munitions took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 7 to 9 April 2014. At this meeting, States Parties reported on efforts made and plans to implement their treaty obligations. States that have not yet joined the Convention presented updates on steps they are taking towards joining the treaty.  Signatory states reported on progress on ratification and steps they are already taking to implement applicable obligations under the convention.

See also the 2014 Intersessional webpage on the official convention website.

Registration and logistics

The deadline for registration is 4 April 2014. All participants including sponsored members are invited to register under the CMC delegation on the official registration page.

You will find useful information on the registration process, sponsorship criteria and rules, the provisional schedule, the visa process, hotels, side events and further practical information in the logistical memo. Campaigners that wish to organize a side event during the meeting are invited to fill out the side event request form and return it to logistics@icblcmc.org by 15 March 2014.


For enquiries on lobbying and government participation, please contact: Amy Little, CMC Campaign Manager at amy@icblcmc.org

For logistical and general enquiries, please contact us at logistics@icblcmc.org